Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healthy Food for Women in Their 30s

At the age of 30, women need the specific intake for their body. Some specific nutrients should be focused to support the health and fitness. Basically healthy diet includes foods like green vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, grains, and nuts. However, women age 30 need a special diet rich in vitamins and protein. These foods are important to fight disease, boost fertility and healthy body.  

These are intake necessary for you at age 30 :

Iron-rich foods
Each month, a woman loses iron of her body  because of menstruation. Iron deficiency can make you weak and reduces the formation of blood in the body. By having the iron-rich foods, women can better resist fatigue, prevent anemia, hair loss, and headaches. You can choose green leafy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and nuts that contain iron. Liver and tuna are also a rich source of iron.

Raw and fresh fruits supply the necessary nutrients for women in their 30s. Iron and calcium are the most important nutrients for women. Include fruits like papaya, strawberries, and citrus in your diet. Can also be blended if you like. Instead of choosing fast food, start a routine chew fresh fruits to fight hunger and fatigue. 

After reach age 30s, carbohydrates and good fats protect you from heart disease and blood pressure. It is better to choose low-fat dairy products. Spinach, grilled fish such as salmon, tuna, low fat cheese, eggs, tofu, low fat milk, and grains are rich in calcium.

To reduce levels of bad cholesterol, women over 30 should have a diet with unsaturated fat. These fats protect from heart disease, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Healthy fats also increase blood cell production and blood circulation in the body. Almonds, cashews, beef, oatmeal, pasta, bread, chocolate, walnuts, and sesame can be selected.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Choosing, Storing, and Processing Chickens

This one source of protein fairly economical than beef. Chicken is also favored because the meat is processed into a variety of elegant dishes. Here are some tips for choosing, storing, and processing of chickens:

1. How to choose
Choose chicken with skin pieces are still tight, bright white color (not white), and the meat is tender. Observe also the smell, must be still fresh and do not stink.  Wherever possible choose chicken with no defects or bruises, both the skin and bones.  Once purchased, packed chicken in an ice pack to keep them cool and fresh until processed.

2. How to store
how long should the storage time?
- Fresh chicken is chicken that has been cut for less than 6 hours, and should be processed immediately.
- In the refrigerator, chicken pieces can last for + / - 24 hours
- In the freezer, chicken pieces can last for + / - 1 week or more.
You can also extend the storage life of chicken with the following tips :  if you store a whole chicken, then separate them with the offal, dried chicken using  a clean tissue, wrap chicken with plastic wrap or place in sealed container, give the label and the date of initial storage.
If the chicken is cut, or shaped or boneless  fillets, preferably divided into a dish suitable package for family portions.
 In a way like that you do not need to thaw the meat back and forth in time to cook.
How to thaw frozen meat?  Remove the chicken pieces that have been frozen at least 2-3 hours before cooking, to get good results, first dip the frozen chicken into the water.Let frozen chicken is still wrapped in plastic when melted, do not leave it open because it can provide an opportunity for bacteria to grow.

3. How to process
Marinate chicken with seasoning, then store in refrigerator until used. Do not forget turning chicken pieces occasionally to allow the flavors are absorbed evenly. You can fry, baked, boiled, anything you like.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Homemade French Fries

Excess body weight is currently experienced  by many people, this happens because too busy and did not exercise. This is probably the main reason, but not the only one. Another reason more important is that people buy and eat unhealthy food. The number of fast food restaurants look make life easy, though it will plunge you into an unhealthy lifestyle. Exercise and healthy foods that will make your life better. If you want to live healthy, I recommend starting to bring food from home, because you will know any of the materials used and how to cook.
This time I will teach you how to make a homemade french fries. Homemade french fries you will make at home is much healthier than you usually buy from fast food restaurants and other restaurants. Because you create your own, then the amount of salt can be arranged according to health standards, and were baked instead of fried.

Instructions for making a homemade french fries :
1. First, choose a good potato, peel the skin and wash thoroughly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Cut the potatoes in the form of strips, use a knife or cutting French fries, with a thickness of ¼ to ½ inch.
3. Spray pan using cooking spray. Arrange the potatoes in one layer. Sprinkle 1/2 cup olive oil on top.
4. Put pan of potatoes into the oven. The optimal time to bake a potato is about 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Important tips for cooking easily and quickly
First of all you can make a homemade french fries it seems appropriate for everyone in your family by adding a little seasoning or chili powder and some types of cheese, according to their preferences.
Secondly you can adjust the thickness and thinness of the potato with a very easy use French fry cutter. Pieces tailored to desired crispness.
With an easy and healthy recipes, I hope you will begin to cook at home. In the future you should take the smart decision to eat at home and bringing lunch from home to work or school, because it is healthier and also much cheaper than eating in restaurants.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

6 Benefits Cooking with Sun Oven

One way to cook a simple, safe and fuel-efficient, is to cook with solar ovens. Sun ovens, sometimes called a solar cooker, using solar energy to cook food. You can cook various types of food at one of the oven type. Even if it is technically called an oven, food can be baked, boiled, steamed, baked at temperatures up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Of dessert fish, meat, bread and even - the possibilities are endless. There are different designs of solar ovens to choose from, but all of them are all working on the same basic principles for converting solar energy into heat. Many people prefer to cook with solar ovens for the many benefits that it offers. Let me share with you some of them.
sun oven
  1. Food stays moist and tender. There is no air movement in the solar oven that allows food to stay moist, tender and flavorful.
  2. The temperature rises slowly and evenly. It holds the heat, slow steady allowing food to cook slowly and evenly.
  3. It is fire resistant and will not burn food. At moderate temperatures, the food does not need to be stirred and will not burn. So this means, you can just simply place the food in a solar oven and leave it alone for several hours to cook. You can now do other activities while your food is cooked and you do not have to worry that it will burn.
  4. It is clean and non polluting. They cook with solar energy, which is 100 percent free of pollution. By using eco-friendly oven is one good way to help clean up our planet.
  5. It is portable. Most solar oven, if not all, are portable which means you can take them anywhere with you. You can carry them on your outdoor activities like picnics or campings.
  6. It is environmentally friendly. It does not use gas, charcoal, electric or wood. This is definitely a healthy alternative to fire-based ordering methods which can be dangerous for people living in cramped spaces.