Monday, May 14, 2012

Homemade French Fries

Excess body weight is currently experienced  by many people, this happens because too busy and did not exercise. This is probably the main reason, but not the only one. Another reason more important is that people buy and eat unhealthy food. The number of fast food restaurants look make life easy, though it will plunge you into an unhealthy lifestyle. Exercise and healthy foods that will make your life better. If you want to live healthy, I recommend starting to bring food from home, because you will know any of the materials used and how to cook.
This time I will teach you how to make a homemade french fries. Homemade french fries you will make at home is much healthier than you usually buy from fast food restaurants and other restaurants. Because you create your own, then the amount of salt can be arranged according to health standards, and were baked instead of fried.

Instructions for making a homemade french fries :
1. First, choose a good potato, peel the skin and wash thoroughly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Cut the potatoes in the form of strips, use a knife or cutting French fries, with a thickness of ¼ to ½ inch.
3. Spray pan using cooking spray. Arrange the potatoes in one layer. Sprinkle 1/2 cup olive oil on top.
4. Put pan of potatoes into the oven. The optimal time to bake a potato is about 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Important tips for cooking easily and quickly
First of all you can make a homemade french fries it seems appropriate for everyone in your family by adding a little seasoning or chili powder and some types of cheese, according to their preferences.
Secondly you can adjust the thickness and thinness of the potato with a very easy use French fry cutter. Pieces tailored to desired crispness.
With an easy and healthy recipes, I hope you will begin to cook at home. In the future you should take the smart decision to eat at home and bringing lunch from home to work or school, because it is healthier and also much cheaper than eating in restaurants.

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