Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healthy Food for Women in Their 30s

At the age of 30, women need the specific intake for their body. Some specific nutrients should be focused to support the health and fitness. Basically healthy diet includes foods like green vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, grains, and nuts. However, women age 30 need a special diet rich in vitamins and protein. These foods are important to fight disease, boost fertility and healthy body.  

These are intake necessary for you at age 30 :

Iron-rich foods
Each month, a woman loses iron of her body  because of menstruation. Iron deficiency can make you weak and reduces the formation of blood in the body. By having the iron-rich foods, women can better resist fatigue, prevent anemia, hair loss, and headaches. You can choose green leafy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and nuts that contain iron. Liver and tuna are also a rich source of iron.

Raw and fresh fruits supply the necessary nutrients for women in their 30s. Iron and calcium are the most important nutrients for women. Include fruits like papaya, strawberries, and citrus in your diet. Can also be blended if you like. Instead of choosing fast food, start a routine chew fresh fruits to fight hunger and fatigue. 

After reach age 30s, carbohydrates and good fats protect you from heart disease and blood pressure. It is better to choose low-fat dairy products. Spinach, grilled fish such as salmon, tuna, low fat cheese, eggs, tofu, low fat milk, and grains are rich in calcium.

To reduce levels of bad cholesterol, women over 30 should have a diet with unsaturated fat. These fats protect from heart disease, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Healthy fats also increase blood cell production and blood circulation in the body. Almonds, cashews, beef, oatmeal, pasta, bread, chocolate, walnuts, and sesame can be selected.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I must thank you for this informative read. I hope you will post again soon. Nutrients for Women.
